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Junior High Track Coach - Loyola Catholic School, Mankato, MN

Posted on 2025-01-17 11:01:57 AM

Listing expires 2025-01-24 12:00:00 AM

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Loyola Catholic School in Mankato, MN is seeking a junior high school track coach for the 2025 track season to provide positive leadership and direction, rooted in Gospel values. This position is responsible for creating and implementing a daily practice schedule for 20-30 athletes. This position would also lead the athletes at junior high meets with another coach. This is a fun environment and the position would work closely with the rest of the coaching staff and varsity team! Dates: 3/10/25 - 5/14/25 Loyola Catholic School is committed to a child-safe environment, all applicants are required to authorize a background check and attend VIRTUS &#8220;Protecting God&#8217;s Children&#8221; training. Please send a letter of interest and resume to employment@loyolacatholicschool.org<mailto:employment@loyolacatholicschool.org>. Loyola Catholic School 145 Good Counsel Drive Mankato, MN 56001 507-388-0600 loyolacatholicschool.org<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Floyolacatholicschool.org%2F&data=05%7C02%7Cscsu-edpost%40stcloudstate.edu%7C3d457e9ccfe04c11730508dd3718a49e%7C5011c7c60ab446ab9ef4fae74a921a7f%7C0%7C0%7C638727301176322704%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=r69D7tE15zMTICxf6lSMpLWvRj9VTVwrSdB0I4r1%2BfM%3D&reserved=0> Loyola Catholic School... leading through faith, academic excellence, and service
Loyola Catholic School in Mankato, MN is seeking a junior high school track coach for the 2025 track season to provide positive leadership and direction, rooted in Gospel values. This position is responsible for creating and implementing a daily practice schedule for 20-30 athletes. This position would also lead the athletes at junior high meets with another coach. This is a fun environment and the position would work closely with the rest of the coaching staff and varsity team!

Dates: 3/10/25 - 5/14/25

Loyola Catholic School is committed to a child-safe environment, all applicants are required to authorize a background check and attend VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children” training.

Please send a letter of interest and resume to employment@loyolacatholicschool.org.

Loyola Catholic School

145 Good Counsel Drive

Mankato, MN 56001



Loyola Catholic School... leading through faith, academic excellence, and service