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Middle School Part-Time Science Teacher - Mayer Lutheran Middle School

Posted on 2025-03-14 9:06:47 AM

Listing expires 2025-03-21 12:00:00 AM

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General Description: Mayer Lutheran Middle School is seeking a part-time middle school science teacher. We a looking for someone to help pioneer this new chapter of Mayer Lutheran schools in helping prepare the next generation of Christian leaders. This is a part-time, 10-month position. About Mayer Lutheran Schools: We are located 30 minutes west of Minneapolis in Mayer, MN. Our mission is to prepare the next generation of Christian leaders. The high school has about 200 students and for the first time Mayer Lutheran Middle School opened last year for the 24-25 school year. Position Overview & Responsibilities: Responsible for being an instructional leader and guiding students in one or more science curricular areas (i.e. introductory grade 6 science and grade 8 physical science), preparing lessons, instructing students with a wide range of abilities, creating an engaging and respectful classroom environment and school culture, communicating with students and parents, and more. Qualifications: Bachelor&#8217;s degree in education and/or teaching certification in related area(s) of instruction. Application Process: Candidates interested in the position should email a resume, cover letter, and a list of references to Principal Gina Plotz at gina.plotz@mayerlutheran.org<mailto:gina.plotz@mayerlutheran.org> Gina Plotz, Middle School Principal Mayer Lutheran | 306 7 St. NE, Mayer MN 55360 gina.plotz@mayerlutheran.org<mailto:gina.plotz@mayerlutheran.org> | 952-657-2251 x 1009 | 320-420-3467 (c) www.mayerlutheran.org<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mayerlutheran.org%2F&data=05%7C02%7Cscsu-edpost%40stcloudstate.edu%7C2e15d49c28b14949713408dd6301732d%7C5011c7c60ab446ab9ef4fae74a921a7f%7C0%7C0%7C638775580069188158%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=rz%2BQtMha2WYxyGN2uSlEOInFame6HI0Q9WjSIpStOh8%3D&reserved=0> Preparing the Next Generation of Christian Leaders

General Description:

Mayer Lutheran Middle School is seeking a part-time middle school science teacher. We a looking for someone to help pioneer this new chapter of Mayer Lutheran schools in helping prepare the next generation of Christian leaders.  This is a part-time, 10-month position.


About Mayer Lutheran Schools:

We are located 30 minutes west of Minneapolis in Mayer, MN. Our mission is to prepare the next generation of Christian leaders. The high school has about 200 students and for the first time Mayer Lutheran Middle School opened last year for the 24-25 school year.


Position Overview & Responsibilities:

Responsible for being an instructional leader and guiding students in one or more science curricular areas (i.e. introductory grade 6 science and grade 8 physical science), preparing lessons, instructing students with a wide range of abilities, creating an engaging and respectful classroom environment and school culture, communicating with students and parents, and more. 



Bachelor’s degree in education and/or teaching certification in related area(s) of instruction. 


Application Process:

Candidates interested in the position should email a resume, cover letter, and a list of references to Principal Gina Plotz at gina.plotz@mayerlutheran.org



Gina Plotz, Middle School Principal

Mayer Lutheran | 306 7 St. NE, Mayer MN 55360

gina.plotz@mayerlutheran.org | 952-657-2251 x 1009 | 320-420-3467 (c)


Preparing the Next Generation of Christian Leaders