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COLA Special Education DCD Teacher

Posted on 2025-03-14 9:27:30 AM

Listing expires 2025-03-21 12:00:00 AM

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CarJob Announcement Position: Special Education DCD Teacher Location: W.E. Circle of Life Academy Open: 02-21-2025 Close: Until Filled Pay: Teacher Pay Scale Benefits: Full Status: Full-Time Circle of Life Academy is currently seeking a qualified applicant who will be responsible for instructing students in an assigned subject area in order to ensure the Mission of Circle of Life Academy is met. The primary role of this teacher is to provide students with an engaging, relevant curriculum, a rich learning environment, and a variety of supports to promote academic success. Outcomes: * Create and maintain an atmosphere in the classroom that facilitates the learning process in order to ensure a high level of academic achievement for all students. * Work collaboratively and cooperatively with administration, teachers, support staff, parents, and students to ensure the needs of all students are being met and to maintain a positive and professional teaching and work atmosphere. * Integrate and incorporate the Ojibwa Language and Culture into teaching units and lessons to ensure that all students receive instruction in the Ojibwe Culture. * Maintain a high level of professionalism to ensure student and staff confidentiality. * Comply with reporting standards regarding child abuse or neglect as a mandated reporter for the safety of children. * Performs other duties and responsibilities as required or assigned. Knowledge, Skills & Abilities: * Knowledge of and ability to follow and apply the policies and procedures of the White Earth Tribal Council and the Education Department. * Knowledge of principles and methods of curriculum design and implementation, teaching and instruction of individuals and groups, and the measurement of teaching effects. * Knowledge of human behavior and performance, individual learning styles, and human motivation. * Skills at using technology for data collection, reports, and student learning. * Skills at communicating in a positive manner with students, staff, parents, and the community-at-large both verbally and in writing. * Ability to collect, organize, and evaluate student data. * Ability to identify and apply creative teaching methods. * Knowledge of the White Earth Reservation demographics, culture, history, and lifestyles. Qualifications: * Bachelor&#8217;s Degree in the subject area or areas and level the candidate is hired to teach. * Current Minnesota State Teaching License in subject area or areas and level the candidate is hired to teach. * Must have DCD or ABS Licensure. * Valid Driver&#8217;s License and insurance for travel between sites and other related businesses. * Must be able to pass a criminal background check and drug screening. Send applications to: Circle of Life Academy Attn: Human Resources P.O. Box 447 White Earth, MN 56591 Download applications at: www.whiteearth.com<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.whiteearth.com%2F&data=05%7C02%7Cscsu-edpost%40stcloudstate.edu%7C0fd323e255584b0e5cde08dd63045937%7C5011c7c60ab446ab9ef4fae74a921a7f%7C0%7C0%7C638775592507535071%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJFbXB0eU1hcGkiOnRydWUsIlYiOiIwLjAuMDAwMCIsIlAiOiJXaW4zMiIsIkFOIjoiTWFpbCIsIldUIjoyfQ%3D%3D%7C0%7C%7C%7C&sdata=fVvw%2F2xyotPjkbFH0L3jmTDBDoZ9DC6nPOfxt%2FpQpsk%3D&reserved=0>

CarJob Announcement

Position: Special Education DCD Teacher
Location: W.E. Circle of Life Academy 
Open: 02-21-2025
Close: Until Filled
Pay: Teacher Pay Scale 
Benefits: Full 
Status: Full-Time

Circle of Life Academy is currently seeking a qualified applicant who will be responsible for instructing students in an assigned subject area in order to ensure the Mission of Circle of Life Academy is met. The primary role of this teacher is to provide students with an engaging, relevant curriculum, a rich learning environment, and a variety of supports to promote academic success. 

  • Create and maintain an atmosphere in the classroom that facilitates the learning process in order to ensure a high level of academic achievement for all students.
  • Work collaboratively and cooperatively with administration, teachers, support staff, parents, and students to ensure the needs of all students are being met and to maintain a positive and professional teaching and work atmosphere.
  • Integrate and incorporate the Ojibwa Language and Culture into teaching units and lessons to ensure that all students receive instruction in the Ojibwe Culture.
  • Maintain a high level of professionalism to ensure student and staff confidentiality.
  • Comply with reporting standards regarding child abuse or neglect as a mandated reporter for the safety of children.
  • Performs other duties and responsibilities as required or assigned.
Knowledge, Skills & Abilities:
  • Knowledge of and ability to follow and apply the policies and procedures of the White Earth Tribal Council and the Education Department.
  • Knowledge of principles and methods of curriculum design and implementation, teaching and instruction of individuals and groups, and the measurement of teaching effects.
  • Knowledge of human behavior and performance, individual learning styles, and human motivation.
  • Skills at using technology for data collection, reports, and student learning.
  • Skills at communicating in a positive manner with students, staff, parents, and the community-at-large both verbally and in writing.
  • Ability to collect, organize, and evaluate student data.
  • Ability to identify and apply creative teaching methods.
  • Knowledge of the White Earth Reservation demographics, culture, history, and lifestyles.

  • Bachelor’s Degree in the subject area or areas and level the candidate is hired to teach.
  • Current Minnesota State Teaching License in subject area or areas and level the candidate is hired to teach.
  • Must have DCD or ABS Licensure.
  • Valid Driver’s License and insurance for travel between sites and other related businesses.
  • Must be able to pass a criminal background check and drug screening.

Send applications to: 
Circle of Life Academy 
Attn: Human Resources
P.O. Box 447
White Earth, MN 56591

Download applications at: www.whiteearth.com